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Flavorable Outlook

Along the Mayacamas Mountain Range, where the Pacific fog creeps up the Napa Valley in the late summer afternoon, a heavy mist disguises its calling card as deep green moss on majestic oak trees. An aged, gnarling oak branch frames a breathtaking view of the southern valley through a valance of leaves. The table top is adorned with acorn seedlings representing the native woodland circle-of-life in this world-renown wine region: from acorn to mighty oak tree; from oak tree to oak barrel – the guardian of the wine until it reaches maturity. A bottle of chardonnay, a bowl of farmer’s market fruit and a fresh loaf of crusty bread gives one pause to contemplate: This is indeed a “Flavorable Outlook.”



Featured wine: Far Niente chardonnay

  • Original Watercolor: 18" x 22" - SOLD


  • Limited Edition Giclée on Canvas

    • Size 1: 24" x 30" - Edition size: 150

    • Size 2: 30" x 38" - Edition size: 80

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